Read and Parse JSON files in PHP
Read and parse JSON files using the functions file_get_contents() and json_decode() in PHP. The function file_get_contents() will read the entire file into a string, while […]
Check Apache, MySql, and PHP versions
To further check Linux Apache MySQL PHP (LAMP) stack installation, the following can be made to know the exact installed version of each application. Check […]
Restore MySQL backup from the terminal
Efficiently import MySql backup database records from an .sql file using the mysql command from the terminal. A quick and direct approach to restore MySQL […]
Grant Privileges to MySQL User
Assign privileges and roles to MySQL user accounts and roles using MySQL GRANT statement. This is to be able for a MySQL user to perform […]
Create MySQL Database User
Create a MySQL user with password to access a MySQL database from a specific host to do things like adding, updating, deleting, and listing database […]
Access MySQL Database From Terminal
Directly access a MySQL database from the terminal. Connect with the given username, password, and host straight from the command line. Know more about the […]