Backup MySQL Database In Terminal
Import MySql database records into an .sql file from the terminal using the MySql command mysqldump, it is a quick and easy way to backup […]
Change The Excerpt Limit In WordPress
Modify the default (55) maximum number of words in WordPress post excerpt. Set the length according to your needs using the add_filter filter hook. Requirements: […]
Create An Image With PHP
With the help of the GD library, it is possible to create a JPG, GIF, PNG, and other image formats (Formats supported by GD) in […]
Password Protect Your Apache Server
Protect a directory on an apache web server by adding a password that would require a user to authenticate themselves and thus would give them […]
Access MySQL DB using PDO in PHP
Most, if not all new PHP server installations now a days include the PHP Data Objects API (PDO_MySQL), this extension is recommended if there’s a […]